Crook Hill - Peak District Walk
Monday 16th October 2006
As I will be spending next week in the Lake District this was probably the last opportunity I will have this year to get a long walk in the north of the Peak District. I had been promising myself all year that I was going to do Crook Hill, so it was a case of now or never, well for this year anyway. Although there were occasional attempts by the sun to break through today's walk was definitely lacking in views due to the thick haze that lasted all day, which was a real shame as this is a walk that offers a wide variety of different views.
Start: Hurst Clough car park (SK 1871 8762)
Route: Hurst Clough car park - Crook Hill - Grimbocar Wood - Roman Road - Alport Bridge - Alport - Rowlee Pasture - Hagg Side - Hurst Clough car park
Distance: 11.75 miles Ascent: 736 metres Time Taken: 6 hrs 15 mins
Weather: High cloud with occasional blue sky.
Pub Visited: None Ale Drunk: None

The first view of Crook Hill.

Crook Hill is actually the hill to the right of this shot, the hill on the left is unnamed.

The unnamed hill has two separate summits.

Crook Hill summit from the unnamed hill.

Looking back towards the unnamed hill from Crook Hill's summit as the sun makes a short appearance.

Crook Hill with what appears to be signs of the sun coming out ..........

............ a few minutes later it was starting to cloud over again.

The walk through Grimbocar Wood was a reminder that autumn is here.

Crossing over the river Ashop.

Crookstone Knoll is the high point on the horizon.

Looking across Snake Road and up Alport Dale.

Alport Castles, the biggest landslip in the UK.

Alport Dale.

The Tower at Alport Castles.

The Tower.

Looking across Rowlee Pasture with Alport Dale disappearing in the mist.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023